Rihanna & Chris Brown Get Nasty On "Cake" & "Turn up the Music" Remixes (#MP3 DOWNLOAD)

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Is it hot in here or it just us??

Rihanna and Chris Brown sure do know how to stir up the controversy huh? They released a new song together, where Chris remixes RiRi's "Birthday Cake"...

He wrote on Twitter,

Following up from his lyrics in the song,

"It's not even her Birthday but I wanna lick the icing off"

"Girl I wanna fu*k you right now. Been a long time I been missing your body."

Hmm... wonder what Chris Brown's girlfriend, Karrueche, is thinking about this one. We've said it before but she better watch out for her man, RiRi's on the prowl!

They even have the same hair color now...

Chris and Karru seem really happy together though, but we're thinking any girl may get mad if your man tells his ex he "wanna fu*k"...

After the song released, it set Twitter off into a frenzy...... and it doesn't sound like everyone is as happy...


Yooo have you forgotten 's fist in your face? Well you haven't let the public forget.....now a new song together? SMH!

do you really think this is the right thing to do? I think you are encoraging young woman to comeback to those who beat you!
Rihanna going back to Chris is no different than the women who do it every single day. Its only a big deal b/c they're in the public eye

And others say...

& this shitt is hott!! Dont listen to anyone u guys BOTH make great music!!!

I'm not mad at the reunited & . I never picked a side in the first place.

What do YOU think?? Is Rihanna giving a bad message to women everywhere, or should everyone give these two some slack?

Listen/ download Rihanna featuring Chris Brown, "Birthday Cake" Remix below:

Also check out Chris Brown featuring Rihanna "Turn Up The Music" remix:


We hear Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran allegedly have in an "open" relationship. That would explain why Karrueche isn't going buck wild over Chris Brown singing all nasty to Rihanna.

Open relationships certainly are nothing new in the music industry previously we reported to you that Will and Jada Pinkett allegedly have one... which led to their summer "break-up."

The question is, would YOU compromise your boo being with someone else just for their career? hmmm....


Rihanna & Chris Brown Get Nasty On "Cake" & "Turn up the Music" Remixes (#MP3 DOWNLOAD)

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