Really Though?!: Could Oj Simpson Be Khloe Kardashians Real Father?!

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I don't think this girl could handle any more than this! Now we are claiming her dad for her, smh.

We are kinda feeling bad for Khloe Kardashian these days, everyone keeps saying.... including her step moms.... that her dad, Robert Kardashian, is not her biological father after all! Which technically means she's not "real" Kardashian...

So what! Can we leave this woman alone already please? As if it's not bad enough that she probably hearD that her whole life. If it really isn't her dad, he raiser her, and I would hate that the media forced her to bring it forward in this way...

But, no, it gets worse... now the word is that O.J. Simspon himself is actually Khloe's real dad!

According to The National Enquirer O.J. Simpson told a number of friends that he was Khloe Kardashian’s dad. The magazine has more than one source that claim Kris Jenner had an affair with O.J. Simpson right around the time that Khloe was conceived.

“O.J. bragged about his sex life and many female conquests, which he said included some of his best friends’ wives......He used to tell us way back — even before he and Nicole got divorced — that he had a love child with the wife of a wealthy family,”
the source is claiming.

Robert Kardashian and his wife Kris were friends with O.J. before the late lawyer helped the former NFL star off for the double murder charges of his wife Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

"It was the big secret that no one in the two families would discuss. And Robert admitted he and Kris were not having sex at the time Khloe was conceived,"
added the source.

Robert was best friends O.J. was even an usher at his wedding to Kris in 1978. Kris was also close to O.J., as well as his wife Nicole.
"O.J and Kris have known each other for more than 30 years. But they fell out when Nicole was murdered."

Well, even though this must be extremely hard on Khloe, Kim and her mom are having fun mocking on Twitter to lighten up the situation. Kim tweeted,

“It makes sense now! Khloe, u are so tan!”

Kris Jenner followed with
”Thanks for all your love and support today dolls!....Wow some of the stories out there today are either fabricated, or SO 24 years ago!!”

Khloe also chimed in her frustration by tweeting,

"Do the rumors ever stop? What is the recent obsession with all of this? What are they going to say next? #SoapOpera.”


Khloe Not Really A Kardashian After All?! Hear What Robert Kardashian & Kris Jenner Say!

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