Khloe Not Really A Kardashian After All?! Hear What Robert Kardashian & Kris Jenner Say!

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There's always that one child that looks different from the rest, but does that mean she has a different dad?

Khloe Kardashian has always looked like the "different" one, compared to her sisters Kim & Kourtey, and now her former step mothers are saying it's all because Robert Kardashian is not her biological father!

Jan Ashley and Ellen Kardashian, who were each married to Robert after he split from Kris Jenner, both recently claimed Robert privately revealed to them that Khloe was fathered by another man.

Jan Ashley who is now 63 revealed to the Star tabloid magazine,
"Khloe is not his kid -- he told me that after we got married..."
"He just kind of looked at me and said [it] like it was a matter of fact. He said, 'Well, you know that Khloe's not really a Kardashian, don't you?' And I said…'OK,' and that was it."

Ellen Kardashian, 63, married Robert in 2003 just two months before his death, after dating for nearly six years and she is now coming forward to say...

"Khloe brought it up all the time....She looked nothing like the rest. She was tall, had a different shape, light hair, curly hair. Didn't look anything like the other three children."

And while Kris recently admitted in her new book that she cheated on Robert during their marriage, both Jan and Ellen said they've always known she cheated, and so did Robert.

"Robert did question the fact that Khloe was his....Any normal man would if they knew their wife had cheated on him."

Ellen claims Robert told her that he and Kris weren't even sleeping together at the time Khloe was conceived.

"[But] he never would have considered a DNA test....He loved her very much."

Could you imagine if you were Khloe and you had to wake up to this in a magazine?

For that reason Khloe Kardashian is lashing out at them, claiming the women should be "ashamed" and fired back on her Twitter page saying,
"The audacity you have to mention my father’s name like this! Should be ashamed of urself! I let a lot of things slide but this one is really low… YOU ARE DISGUSTING! (yes you know who YOU are)."

Kim Kardashian is backing up her sister, claiming Robert Kardashian is 100% Khloe's biological father.

We feel bad about this whole situation, because #1 it's not anyone's position but Khloe or her moms to tell the world, #2 he probably is her dad and she just looks different and been hearing that her whole life....... and most importantly, #3 either way! Robert Kardashian is the man who raised her as her to tell the world that she's not his child, especially for money, is just plain hurtful.

Keep your head up Khlo...

UPDATE: (Thursday, January 12, 2012)

After investigating more, there IS indeed paperwork from Robert Kardashian himself, stating he IS Khloe's dad!

Back in 1999, Robert was seeking to have his 2nd marriage annulled from Jan he submitted a declaration to the judge stating that the marriage did not work because Jan wanted to have his child and he did not.

In the declaration, Robert says,
"I decided that since I already had four biological children, I did not wish to have any more."

Khloe's mom & manager, Kris Jenner, spoke out this morning saying,

“Get a life"

on Good Morning America, claiming that she never heard such crap in her life and,
"it just gets weirder and weirder."

It's just sad that it had to come this far to have to PROVE this anyone.

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