Casey Anthony's Former Fiance` Speaks Out -- Goes Off At Jose Baez & Casey! (VIDEO)

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Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund spoke out on her acquittal Tuesday night and he's going off...just like the rest of us!
“I’m shocked and angry, Nancy,”
Grund said to Nancy Grace on her show
“…I feel like someone who was just in a war and doesn’t know what happened.”

Grund, who only took the stand briefly outside the jury’s presence during the trial, said he had no idea what really happened to Caylee Anthony and that fact left him “empty inside.” He said Casey was the last person to see Caylee alive and somebody dumped her body in the woods, and he believed prosecutors never filled in the gap between those two things for the jury.

Jesse said he felt like he did not know Casey anymore.

“I treat the Casey that I was engaged to like she was dead,”
“She doesn’t exist anymore.”
He goes off about Casey's laughing behavior in the courtroom and Jose Baez and his team poppin' bottles outside the courthouse!

Watch below:


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