Jose Baez & Casey Anthony Defense Team Celebrate At Bar Outside Courthouse So Everyone Can See! Deserved or Tasteless?

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After the Casey Anthony verdict came in, Jose Baez and his whole defense team toasted champagne to their big win......but did they have to do it right outside the courthouse!?

Remember when Jose Baez said,
"There are no winners here."
Immediately after the Casey Anthony verdict came in?

Well that all went out the window later that night...literally....we could see him and his entire staff jumping up and down through a local bar's window's toasting to their big win right outside.

Jose Baez is now one of the most prominent lawyers in the country after his defeat today...but celebrating at a bar outside the courthouse, with huge clear windows to see right in? Some of his staff was literally jumping up and down.

It was a BIG win, one of the biggest....but is celebrating right outside the courthouse with champagne a tasteless move?


More from the Casey Anthony case below:

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Death of Caylee Anthony: Wikipedia

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RAW VIDEO: Casey Anthony Trial: Spectator Flipping Off Attorney

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