Picture Tells A Thousand Words: Arnold & Maria Getting Back Together? (PHOTOS)

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Arnold's sporting a new smile for 2012....

After 10 years of marriage, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Striver filed for divorce last year, due to him cheating and having a baby by their nanny.... but looks like even that couldn't keep these two away from each other.

Both have been spotted recently with their wedding bands on and Arnold with a big ol' smile across his face...wouldn't you?

Sources say Maria's family isn't too happy about it. Reports say that her cousin Caroline Kennedy says not to do it,
“Don’t be a fool. Once a cheater, always a cheater”

‘Arnold is crushed that he is no longer welcome in the Kennedy homes or even the compound in Hyannis Port. He loved being around the Kennedys and will never get over being banished,’

After 10 years and a child.....would you reconsider taking him back?


Arnold Schwarzenegger's Secret Child & Baby Momma Reveals Herself & Gives Details Of Affair! (PHOTOS)!

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