Marks Anthony Breaks Silience... "I Never Cheated On J-Lo" (VIDEO)

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Marc Anthony is coming clean about what REALLY happened between him and Jennifer Lopez....

Although he did not comment on the controversial rumors about his affair with Will Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith who is also his co-star on the hit series, "HawthoRNe"..... but Marc says he did not cheat on J-Lo!

He sat down with John Quiñones and spoke for the first time about his break-up with J-Lo...

Marc says,

"This is not a funeral. This is not a burial,"
This is just two people who came together and just realized. . . I'm saying that it wasn't sustainable the way it was, and that's that."

"I'll always love Jennifer. She knows that."

"Jennifer's a wonderful, wonderful woman, a wonderful mother, a wonderful friend, you know..."
"Even thought we're not together ...the stories not over."
The stories definitely not over.... these two have been working more then ever together SINCE their break-up! They have a new fashion line together....and remember, we told you about their new Reality Show in the works too? Seems like their close now more then ever...

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