Mavs Win NBA Championship & Parade Around Miami With The TROPHY! (PHOTOS/VIDEO))

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The Mavs beat the Heat 105-95 tonight (June 12, 2011)... but what happened after is what has everyone talking!

After the big game tonight the owner of the Mavs, Mark Cuban, and the whole team decided to celebrate by parading their trophy around Club Liv, a night club in the Heat's own city, Miami.

They bought 200 bottles to get in... and these weren't just any kind of bottles, 100 Rose` bottles and "Ace of Spades", costing around $1500 at a night club, each...including the largest bottle of Ace in the World (15L)...$80,000!

Sources say, people were chanting "Lebron Sucks" in the crowd as the team walked around the club. Celebrities like Lil' Wayne were in the building...

Back in January, Weezy complained to Rolling Stone that Lebron and DWade never show him any love when he attends their games (despite all the money he spends on tickets.)
‘Them ni**as never speak to a ni**a,’
he said.
‘They don’t chuck me the deuce or nothing. Ni**a spent all that money on them fuc*ing tickets …

Today, Lil' Wayne got on twitter and wrote,

Partied with the NBA champions and the trophy last night. Mark Cuban is a real n!gga...!!!!

It was so crazy in there they even let this guy hold the trophy...

Lebron and Wade mocked Mavs player Dirk Nowitski the other day....

Total disrespect or pay back?

That's not it though, check out the custom made Lebron shirts that the Mavericks were wearing....

Dallas Mavericks To Lebron, "HEY LEBRON! HOW'S MY DIRK TASTE." (Photo)

In case you missed it:

Miami Newspaper Congratulates WRONG NBA Team!

Lebron James Responds To Losing NBA Championship & the "Lebron" Jokes! (VIDEO)

Lebron & D. Wade Vs. Dirk -- NBA Finals Drama!

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